Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do you feel Obama tonight?

I just came across a video made by Emily Troutman, who is a professional photographer. She made signs of 26 words:

Alive, Angry, Anxious, Awed, Believe, Curious,
Dancer, Excited, Grateful, Happy, Hopeful,
Human, Humble, Jealous, Joyful, Love, Obama,
Patient, Proud, Ready, Scared, Skeptical,
Tired, Together, Wonder, Worried

And then invited people to pick the one they felt expressed their feelings about the state of our nation following the inauguration. She took their portraits, set it to music, and here it is:

I found it very interesting to see which words were chosen most often, and which were all but ignored. If I had to choose just one, I would take ready. Or maybe hopeful. Or maybe, as one of the people she talked to, Obama. Obama, of course, isn't a feeling word. But as the man said, "don't you just kind of feel Obama right now?"

Yeah, I kind of do!

1 comment:

andalucy said...

I think Michelle should be the only one feeling Obama tonight.

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