Monday, November 20, 2006

Tom and Katie part deux

So on the radio today they were all talking about the TomKat wedding ... talking specifically about a photo where magically Tom was taller than Katie. So I had to Google.

Tom and Katie Wedding is what I typed.

I got the expected photo (what is that backdrop?),

They definitely did something with the photo because in real life she is taller. The guess on the radio that was most popular is that she is actually stooping, but you can't see her bent knees under her long dress.

But my search also discovered this photo, so I thought I would include THIS Tom and Katie, too. They were married in Camden, Maine, in 2004.

Congratulations, all around.


andalucy said...

I like your Tom and Katie much, much better. They are really cute! And they have already endeared themselves to me by marrying in the greatest state in the nation.

Karen said...

You know, I was waiting for you to write "HEY! That's my second cousin!"

Don't all you Mainers know each other?!?


andalucy said...

So they live in Maine? I thought they might just be getting married them. We probably are cousins then, somehow!

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