Sunday, February 15, 2009

6:55 PM, Sunday February 15, 2009:

I GOT IT !!!!!!!!!


Barb Matijevich said...

WOOHOO!!! Oh, I'm so happy for you!!!

Unknown said...

Hooray! That's so awesome!!!

andalucy said...

Yay!!! Congratulations! (The big black beast is humbly at your disposal, though it acknowleges its non-pc status.)

Anonymous said...


Karen said...

Hey, I LOVE the big black beast when it comes in handy for ME :-)


Mama Ava said...

I don't have a big black beast, but I do have an empty house/garage--yours for storage and transitioning.

Congratulations! I can't wait to be a guest!

shawn said...

YEH!!!! I am so happy for you.. I remember that you posted that you aren't asking for help with this move.. BUT.. that being said.. if you need us.. you know that we will be there...

Dawn said...

Yippee! (And I think I'm busy that weekend, whenever it is...)


lisajoan said...

Well, while I'm slightly disappointed that you won't be spitting distance from us - I'M THRILLED YOU GOT THE HOUSE YOU WANTED!!! When is the big day?

Jeannie said...

Congrats Karen - it looks really cute!!

Peace and Luv,

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