Tuesday, February 26, 2008


So bought the boys new socks at Target yesterday, washed them today.

A pack of 6 pair for each of them.

Carefully packaged in a resealable ziplock plastic bag.

Do people really take the socks out one pair at a time and then reseal the bag?


shawn said...

Could you actually open the ziplock?? I find it hard to open that stupid little zipper thing.. it never works for me.. I end up ripping the thing open and throwing the bag away.. Of course now I just buy socks in fun colors and designs for Hannah, and don't get the ziplock thingy... the price of having a girl...

Mama Ava said...

they do if they are trying to find out if the socks will fit their son, who refused to come to Target and whose mother didn't want him to anyway because he'd fuss about getting candy and toys even though he knows darn well he NEVER gets that kind of stuff and then sulks and crawls on the ground whining and refusing to take off his shoes and the mother thanks the lord that they finally decided to package them in ziploc bags because it really puts the icing on the cake when she gets caught opening a bag and ruining it just to see if the socks will fit.

Hypothetically speaking.

shawn said...

hum.. any mother that we might know???

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