Friday, July 04, 2008

My least favorite modern convenience

People sometimes wonder why I hate the phone, as if I am some sort of weirdo. Well, I am not alone. I found this post and after reading it and the ensuing comments, I feel like I am in VERY good company!!!

Phone-haters of the world, unite!


Dawn said...

HAHAHA!! Loved it, absolutely loved it!

shawn said...

I have to agree.. it was great!! and I already knew that about you.. that if you need to get ahold you Karen, you call, leave a message, then email.. you will get a quicker response to the email! (just a fun joke.. you know I love you)

andalucy said...

Oh, I am such a phone hater. I despise it. I will do anything to get out of making calls or answering them. On the other hand, I love email.

Mama Ava said...

Hmmmmm...maybe I should call you and we can talk about it...