Thursday, July 31, 2008

Here I go again ...

I admit it. I'm an Abba-girl. I can sing almost any of their songs, and if there is room, I will be dancing, too. Maybe it's because I lived in Norway when they were at their peak popularity (and really, one of the 4 Abba members -Annifrida- actually is Norwegian, they aren't all Swedes ... that was very important at that time to anyone living in Norway ...)
I saw the stage production several years ago when it was here, and today I went to see the movie. Maybe it's also that I travelled around Europe, including Greece, as a young woman, and could certainly have imagined falling in love on a beach and staying there forever, that makes me such a fan of this show.

Whatever the reason, I love this play, this musical, this movie, these songs ... and Meryl Streep is incredible!


Dawn said...

I didn't know that Meryl Streep had been a professionally trained opera first I was wondering about the choice, but knowing that, I'm sure she was fabulous!!

sskaare said...

Sylvia and I saw this last Wed. We both loved it. Our cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing!! I think I may just have to buy the soundtrack for us ... we'll be dancing around the house soon!!!!