Saturday, July 14, 2007

Back among the living

Well, this morning (Saturday) I awoke feeling close to normal. This is very good news as I have been horribly sick since returning from Africa. I just sent an email to Carla saying that one way I understood how sick I was, was by noting that I had absolutely no desire to be online and checking email. Pretty serious stuff!

I am still very weak but definitely on the rebound now. I did hear from one person that she got really sick after a trip to Africa once and it took 9 months to get totally back to normal. Hopefully I'm not signed up for that plan.

Now I have to go take a nap as this is about as much exertion as I can handle at one time, but it's an improvement!


Mama Ava said...

Hooray! And you thought the only thing you'd bring back were gifties for the boys!

Although I feel the need to publically point out that you LEFT Tanzania in adequate health. Perhaps the shock of modern conveniences and bright lights did a number on you!

andalucy said...

Oh no! That's too bad. Take care of yourself!

Karen said...

Day two of feeling normal ... and this morning I discovered the silver lining: I lost 8 pounds being so sick! Woo-hoo!!

andalucy said...

hey, there's gotta be a silver lining. :-)