Sunday, September 02, 2007

How's that again?

Well, Miss South Carolina says it all. And I shouldn't laugh til I cry, but I do. Every time I hear it.


shawn said...

I think that it is sad that she answered like that, and then WON!!! But you are right, it is really funny.. I wonder if that is how she will be remembered.. ok, duh.. maybe if we all had to then send a map with our kids to school, then they would be able to find a county.. of course those poor kids that we need to help everywhere else...

andalucy said...

she seriously won?

Karen said...

No, she was 3rd runner up - so came in 4th.

She said on the Early Show that she totally didn't hear the question and got confused (duh) but didn't it occur to her to ask the question to be repeated???

shawn said...

oh, sorry, I thought I had heard that she won.. didn't hear the question right.. oh, and I have a wide stance when I go to the bathroom in the MPLS airport too..

Mama Ava said...

Poor thing. I imagine all that shiny lip gloss and those sparkly spangly dresses just confunded her.

Hmmmm...maybe that's Paris Hilton's problem, too?

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