Now, the second thing I was made ridiculously happy by this week is a new cell phone service.
I long for an iPod. I don't listen to music that much. I'm not into using "ear buds." The notion of figuring out how to download songs from the internet, or copy from a CD, is quite intimidating to me. And I have no clue what songs I would even want on the darn thing as I really don't pay that much attention to "the music scene" other than to say, now and then when I'm out and about, "oh! that's a nice song, I wonder what it is?" But they make the cutest (there's that adjective again) little pink one. It would match my phone. And it's so teensy.
Well, those darn inventors heard me - or at least that last part about being music-scene-challenged, and 411-song was invented for ME.
Anywhere you might be, you hear a song, you like it, you are clueless as to what its name is or who sings it ... you whip out the ol'cell phone and dial 411-SONG. Hold the receiver up to hear the song for 15 seconds, and the person (machine? computer? magician?) on the other end will identify the song and send you all the details. The lyrics. The title. The artist. Where to get it.
(And quite reasonably priced, too, I might add.)