Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ben and yet more Frogs

This summer has been the time to catch and study frogs for Ben. While at the cabin, he found 3 more. He made them a temporary home in a bright orange sand toy, and was just fascinated watching them closely. Maybe he'll be a herpetologist someday?


andalucy said...

Michael would be so jealous. He thinks frogs are the greatest thing in the world and knows more about them in their varieties and habits then I could ever forget.

Maybe he and Ben can be herpetologists together.

Mama Ava said...

Cameron loves collecting stuff, too. Here it's chameleons and and giant grasshoppers (locusts--about 3-4 inches long). And hedgehogs. Everything else I'm afraid is either poisonous or might have rabies.

I think herpetologists study snakes.

Karen said...

herpetologists study reptiles and amphibians ... I looked it up before posting. Couldn't find a name for those who study just frogs - I'm sure there is one, though.