This weekend the boys are with their dad and I am really going to work to finish all the projects on the house so it can be listed early next week. Might not make my self-imposed February first deadline, but will be awfully close. My parents are stopping by on Monday at some point en route to Texas, so I want to wow them.
Am still waiting on word regarding the offer I put in a while ago. I think it's two weeks now ... wow, that seems like a really long time! The offer is sitting with the bankers now, and there really is no way to predict what they will do or when. I am hoping they will tell me one way or the other soon, though, because being in limbo like this is excruciating.
I haven't been going to look at other houses during this time (well, I did go see one) but I have been following listings online. Another new one came on the market yesterday & I think I will arrange to visit it as it looks very promising. It's not in the location I would mark as best for our family personally (farther away from their dad & school) but it's in a good neighborhood and the backyard walks out to a pond which would be way cool. And it's NOT a foreclosure house which is a big plus in my book. Who knows, if I see it and love it, I can withdraw my other offer and move on.
On the other hand, really I am not in any hurry. Every single week that I have been looking at houses there has been at least one that I would be happy to buy, so I can safely assume that trend will continue, and safely hold off until my current house sells. Or until I hear back on the one I made the offer on. Or until hell freezes over. Because who knows, that may just be what happens first.
5 days ago
I am sorry, but Bloomington closed schools.. didn't hell already freeze over??
I feel for you! Who knows.. you might just hear about your house today.. or tomorrow... on Monday... or...
"...the boys are with their dad..."
I don't want to be divorced, really I don't. I love my husband.
But there are days when I would love to be able to utter that phrase, in a "someone else is in charge and I'm only in charge of me right now" way.
Does that sound weird?
"...the boys are with their dad..."
I don't want to be divorced, really I don't. I love my husband.
But there are days when I would love to be able to utter that phrase, in a "someone else is in charge and I'm only in charge of me right now" way.
Does that sound weird?
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