Last night I slept well, thank you very much. I was in bed before 11 so Chamaco was happy, and I promptly fell into a deep and quite restful slumber.
While my body rested, my mind went on vacation. I "went home" to "my house" (which resembled a house in a commercial I watched shortly before retiring) and I was feeling so happy to be home where I could relax. I made my way to the bedroom where I planned to change into more comfortable clothing, and who should be waiting for me there (most natural thing in the world), but Steven Spielberg. I greeted him warmly, as befitting our friendship, and he asked if I had a few free hours. For Steven? Of course! He was filming something which focused on ironing (this, clearly because I watched "On the Road with Jason Davis" last week and he interviewed a couple who collect irons - they had nearly 1000.)
Steven just knew that I was the gal to be ironing in his new project. I reminded him that I, actually, had been on the air with an iron before (no clue what that was about but I was very confident - it impressed both him, and my waking self) and so off we went. I drove, he navigated, the iron was in the back seat, and then ...

Well, that was it. Perhaps the actual filming will come tomorrow night? (Oh, and just for the record? I rarely iron. I pile up anything that needs ironing - and I am pretty darn tolerant of a lot of wrinkles, so it's not much - and keep it here for my mom, who actually enjoys ironing when she visits me. I better not tell Steven about her.)
doesn't the dryer take wrinkles out?? and really who wears clothes that really need to be ironed??
Of course, Dawn LOVES to iron too.. she will watch TV while she does it.. I didn't get that domestic gene.. oh well.. I guess Steven won't come and visit me...
The Matron has met up with a younger Jeff Bridges in much the same way. Good idea about a bloggie theatre night. Curtain rises in one hour!!!
You DO have dreams just like me! I dreamed I was touring the areas where Obama lived last night, and it was a theme park, with a tram that went through the whole area. My Grandmother was so excited, and wanted me to bring back a souvenir. And then, moments later, my husband and I had to put on a play of G's life up until the age of 8, and everyone was invited. My Mother was late, of course, but the show went on. Props and all.
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