As promised ... some pictures of the fixer-upper projects:
Kitchen area -- before:

Kitchen area - after (only one coat is done here, streaks will disappear with second coat):

My brother working on stripping kitchen eating area wallpaper:

And my Dad doing the same:

And Ben getting into the fun, too:

Here is the finished kitchen area, all the wallpaper is gone (well, there is still some in the area behind where I am standing, but never mind...) The walls are a pale, creamy peachy-off white and they look fabulous!

Here is my S-I-L Mary cleaning off the boarder wallpaper in the upstairs hallway. (The hallway is now a beautiful pale tan.)

Here is my favorite re-do yet, the upstairs bathroom:
It's going to look so good you'll want to stay for awhile and enjoy your efforts!
My worst nightmare is stripping wallpaper - been there and done that! Looks like you're progressing quickly and the bathroom does look awesome!!
OOOHHH it's looking so nice.. I am with Carla.. you won't want to leave... OK, but you might want to hang around for a little while.. knowing that you might have to do it all over again at the new place...
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