This week has been a flurry of house-prepping activity. I have had family here to help rip out wallpaper, replace light switches that were faulty, replace faucets and light fixtures that were old and/or faulty, and generally spruce up the place. The problem is that in order to spruce it up, you have to make a pretty big mess initially .... which is where we are right now. It looks horrific inside my house, like a tornado went through selectively pulling finishes off some walls, throwing boxes randomly in several rooms, and leaving tools all over in its wake.
But - the end is in sight and it's going to look so spiffy that I am certain the first people who walk in will want to buy it and place an offer for asking price immediately (please, whatever you do, don't burst my bubble.)
In the meantime on the other end of this moving equation, I have looked at several more houses and have found one that I think I will make an offer on within the next day or so. It's not a foreclosure house, but it does still need quite a bit of work, but the location is absolutely perfect for the boys & me, so I am hoping it all works out.
Will post more as more happens! And I will have some photos, too, as soon as I figure out where the camera cable is ... I know where it used to be, but it got moved in the chaos ...
1 week ago
Good luck! I loved looking at houses, but there is little I hate worse than the actual process of trying to buy or sell one. Or ripping out old wallpaper, for that matter!
(Remember, leave fresh baked goods out on the counter with a "help yourself" note, and put a few drops of essential oil in your toilets. Can't hurt!)
Chaos that will lead to a place that you may not want to leave! I've been there, but moving on to something new is soooo exciting. Wish I could be there to help!
I work with someone who analyzes dreams. Should I ask her what she thinks of your most recent?
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