My very favorite slippers ever (you might recall them from here and here) have holes in the soles.
I am so sad. They still work since it's warm out now, but I am going to have to make me some new ones, and I am so afraid that I will not remember how to do it! I knit them under the tutelage of the Knitting Queen last time, so may have to bribe her to come over and just be near by - her very presence is inspirational when it comes to creative projects.
Since putting my house on the market, I have not knit a single stitch. The mittens I started in December ... still thumbless. The baby gift I started well in advance of the due date? That baby is rolling over now and still giftless from me.
I miss it. Will have to dig out some half-done project, or maybe just start new with new slippers. Maybe tonight.
5 days ago
and did you start a new project??
Sigh ... nope, went to a stupid movie instead.
Maybe tonight?
Got out the mittens and knit one more row before getting too tired to continue.
i was not as successful as you with the slippers... mine shrunk too much, hubby's not enough..
perhaps I could be swayed into a third attempt - with the right motivation?
LJH can you keep washing the hubby slippers? I've found some yarns require 3 or 4 washing to get the right size - SME
K- you can knit a patch, sew it on and then wash your slippers again - I've done this for my purple ones numerous times and now I finally decided they need to be trashed and a new pair created - I've got the yarn for this new pair - so I'm ready to get together and work on them when you are.
and speaking of knitting...
I can't find a minute between now and July 5th - mostly because once we get thru graduation, we'll be in Ireland for 10 days! I think they have sheep there? (LOL) And where there are sheep, THERE WILL BE YARN!! any requests?
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