But, when in Mexico ... well, it seems slightly unacceptable not to at least try tequila. Thankfully, one of my travel mates, Therese, knows her tequila. We bought two kinds. One (brand? I have no idea!) to make margaritas with, and one (Don Julio .. mmmmmmmmm) to use for shots.
I also don't do shots. (give me beer & wine and I am happy!) But, when in Mexico ... I figured I ought to be open-minded and try it at least once. Here are the 4 of us, after our first shot of Don Julio - in dixie cups, no less, we are classy women.
Do I look like I hated it?!? Seriously, that Don Julio is smooooooooth stuff!
And here we are in the parking lot of the airport. Ready to depart. Still had an inch or so of Don Julio, so what's a girl to do? We got out our dixie cups, Alice carefully divided the tequila, and we had our final shot before leaving the country.
I am now a fan of tequila.
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