This is what $400 will get'cha these days at your neighborhood Lego store.
The boys & I were there last night - in my cleaning the house for book club last week, I found 2 Lego gift cards that they received last year for their birthdays (a scant 10 months ago) (yes, that's how bad the piles of clutter can be in my house) so being the kind of mom that I am, I picked them up from school and we headed straight to the Mall, where they were immediately captivated by this set (all 3803 pieces of it) but even they, sensible boys that they are, knew better than to even suggest it be purchased for their enjoyment.
But as a veteran Lego-mom, I could totally appreciate this set. It was pretty darn amazing.
Was that the only interesting thing at the store?
Um, ya = that is pretty darn amazing....and this veteran mom agrees - (the DS is 18 almost 19 and still playing with legos!, best investment there is)
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