Saturday, September 13, 2008

Carpal Tunnel

I occasionally have bouts of carpal tunnel issues in my wrist, and my left one is hurting lately ... so I guess I can't type long posts, will just have to put up some photos.
A gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do.


Mama Ava said...

Um....DAMN again. I lurve him. But he does have apalling taste in wives.

Mama Ava said...

This makes my historical factoids about mooncakes really....boring.

Karen said...

You did sound a little like Fodor in that post ...

Mama Ava said...

I did cite the source...

shawn said...

YUP.. this one is a keeper.. can't wait to see who is next....

Sue said...

this is torture - but thanks for sharing! more please...

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