Tonight I hosted my book club ... Make that Book Club, these ladies deserve capitalization. This is a group of women I met about 4 years ago .. or is it 5 now? Yeah, I think it is. Anyway, I met them when we moved into the neighborhood where my ex still lives - he got the house, but I kept the friendships! This neighborhood is one like I remember from my own childhood. Everyone knows everyone else, all the kids play together randomly, the adults party and actually really enjoy one anothers' company, people are around and care about each other, it's really an unusual find in this day and age. At least, I have never lived in another neighborhood (as an adult) which is so friendly and holds such a feeling of community.
Anyway, after we moved in there and had lived there a couple of months, I asked the women if there was a book club, and everyone told me to organize one, so I did, and here we are several years later, still going strong. I moved away from the neighborhood after the divorce, but I am still welcomed in the group, and I still value the friendships and strength of the neighborhood.
Tonight they all came to me, and it was just such a wonderful evening. The book was Friday Night Knitting Club, which I have already reported on, and actually only 3 of us had finished the book (which is par for the course, we take the "book" part of our name pretty lightly, whereas the "club" part is taken very seriously. Wine and chocolate are required.) But just sitting around with a group of women, talking about books, kids, movies, TV, diets, school, whatever ... the importance and strength of friendships among women is not to be taken lightly.
Good for the soul, good for the mind, good for the heart.
5 days ago
ooh, i don't think there is 1 person in marshalltown i would want to book club with, sad, huh :)
There is always a long distant book club you know!!!
*sniff* I so miss book club. But I loved the one I heard about started as a book club, then moved to "books that were turned into movies" in case someone couldn't get into the book, then became actually "movie club", then finally morphed to "wine and chocolate with women who have read books." The great thing was that throughout all the changes the group members stayed, too!
But I really miss it. Because I would die rather than show up unprepared, it made me read books outside of my own choices, and I hardly ever read one that I really didn't like.
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