OK, I know you all are thinking I have way too much time on my hands - which totally is not true, it's just that the only interesting parts of my day usually involve some form of media because why would I choose to write in my blog about the grammatical errors I edit in Power Point presentations for 7th graders?
Anyway. Tonight was flipping through channels (trying to convince myself that a wee break before heading down to the computer to finalize a grant proposal was in order) and I find a show called "America's Most Smartest Model."
I honestly didn't have a clue as to whether I was seeing a real show or if it was a re-run of a Saturday Night Live spoof. So I watched for a few minutes to see if I could figure it out, and it seems to be for real.
I have to hand it to them, I loved the challenge they were doing when I was watching. They had to dress themselves from a rack of clothes and then walk the runway in their best high-fashion walk ... but while they were walking, they had to list as many words as they could which fit into a designated category. One person had to list states (apparently we have 53, as Memphis, Indianapolis and Seattle are now states, at least in this young man's mind.) One had to list non-US cities. One had to list flowers. He said "Rose. Tulip. Rose. Tulip." and then fell silent. One had to list elements off the periodic table - now, I thought that was REALLY unfair, given the other categories -- but he did very well, and actually named about 10 before saying "metal" - which they beaned him for but I thought it was an understandable mistake, since so many types of metal are legitimate elements. Of course he walked like a 4 year old, not even remotely like a model. Only one or two of the 10 (12?) contestants could both walk and talk at the same time.
So sad, really, to have all those stereotypes reinforced. (note: I will not be watching this one to see who gets eliminated next ...)
5 days ago
Can I only hope for a sense of sarcasm or irony in the title "America's Most Smartest Model"?
Hello, that's what threw me! I have no idea if they are serious with the title or not.
Too weird. Too dumber. Most silliest. Ridiculouser.
that you actually watched some it throws me for a loop... you do have too much time on your hands..
I didn't watch the WHOLE thing ...
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