Britney lost her boys. Honestly, no matter what your feelings for her may be, this is very sad news. Not that I am saying she should have full custody, but to have none at all? Imagine, as a mother, no matter how many mistakes you had made, and how unprepared you were, and how many bad choices you made .... being told by a court that you could never have your own children live with you, never kiss them goodnight as part of their bedtime routine, never be part of their day-to-day lives.
Will this be the shock she needs to pull herself together? Or will this be the final blow that pushes her off the edge?
It's just such a sad situation, all around.
1 week ago
First of all, it's probably temporary. Secondly, too bad for her? How about too bad for the little boys that didn't ask have this train wreck for a mother? Remember when she married K-Fed? A useless white wanna-be rapper who left his girlfriend when she was something like 8 months pregnant with their 2nd child? How everyone said he was catching a ride on a huge gravy train? He's still an untalented guy, and HE's the better parent! Her PARENTS visit the kids at his house!
Here's the thing--sometimes I think parents should be licensed. She treated these children like the tiny little dogs she carries around. They were accessories. Parents and children should theoretically be together but not when they have such little regard for the well-being of their children, when they carry on selfishly and dangerously, and when they show no interest in being something better. Then I honestly think that maybe in the long run they might be better off with people who can actually raise them to be functional human beings. I'm not sure that K-Fed is the right guy for the job, either, but he's doing better now than she is and she's got her parents to help (although it should be noted that THEY raised HER).
Sorry, Karen...some people should not be around kids.
The part that gets me is all the horrific people out there allowed to keep their kids and she had hers yanked, probably because she's in the public eye. They should apply the same standards those people that do worse out of the limelight.
I'm not implying she is a worthy parent, but I just find the entire situation so sad. It's been sad since she started her downhill decline many years ago. To look at her life, her horrible choices, the way the people around her have not been able to help (either unwilling or misguided), to see the way the public views her -- everything about it is just sad.
And it's because those two little boys are here in this world that I feel so sad - you could say that Lindsey Lohan is just as sad as Britney, but she is only hurting herself, not babies.
It's just sad that anyone gets themselves into a situation like Ms. Britney has.
Did I mention it's sad?
ok, the new thing is that maybe she wanted to loose the kids.. I mean really, if you wanted your kids, wouldn't you do what the courts told you to to do?? She didn't do any of the "demands". I agree, as a mom, that it is sad that she won't be able to be a part of these kids lives right now, but really isn't it about what is best for the kids?? OK, maybe K-Fed isn't the best, but at least he isn't out with Paris drinking driving without a licence, cutting off all his hair, ending in rehab... And I agree.. the question is still there, HE left someone who was pregnant to be with the, as Carla calls it, gravy train.. And really that is all it was.. Look at what he got in the divorce. And there was the pre-nup.. so he was just looking to get a free ride.. Too bad for both of them that they had these kids.. but now it's time to pull up the grammy pants and act like an adult.
And, if you or I were to act that way with kids, I would sure hope to heck that someone would step in. Think about it.. would you EVER put your kids in those situations??
Not that I think K-Fed is better.. I really think that they would be better off with someone totally non related. OK anyone non related.. but then the question is who?? Those poor kids are so messed up already.. it will take years and years of counsling to get them "normal".. and make some doctor really rich...
just my thoughts...
I think it's very likely she doesn't want the kids, as Shawn suggests. But here's what I find disturbing: why are we all so interested in her? Yes, she's a trainwreck and that's interesting at some level. But she has no talent! Her singing is terrible. Lindsay Lohan at least used to be a good actress. But Britney? That's what I find sad. That we care so much. In a way I'm glad her decline has been so public because at least now she won't be looked up to (at least I hope not) by millions of pre-adolescent girls around the world.
Calandria, you hit on a very good point that adds to the (I really ought to get another word) sadness of it all. This is a tragic story of a young girl who showed promise early on and has become a train-wreck ... but such a public one, and I am disturbed by how many people seemingly take glee in her problems. No one involved is going to have a happy ending.
You're just posting on your own blog so we can all see how cool your circle tattoo glyph thing is, aren't you?
And I soundly agree with Calandria. The headline on my google page was "Britney Loses Custody" followed by "Britney Gets California Driver's License."
Honestly, people care about this?! I'm amazed and what little passes for news in the celebrity world.
And kudos to Shawn for knowing anything specific about K-Fed. Which proves the point, kind of, in my last posting--that reasonable, normal, suburban moms (even the ones in Africa) can use the term K-Fed knowledgeably and correctly. Why is that? Because we are bombarded with the minutiae of celebrity non-news?
I love that word, but it's the only word I can't ever seem to remember how to spell. And I'm not repeating again, because I'll just misspell it twice in front of everyone.
AND, there is always plenty of more tasteful (and let's face it, tasty) celebrity watching to be done. I offer up the ever-lovely Hugh Jackman and George Clooney as excellent examples.
Both quite yummy, quite famous, and quite well-balanced by all accounts. Hugh is happily married, but I can't believe GC doesn't get around, yet they manage to, well, manage themselves. What's not to like?
hee hee...Calandria, did you see George's ex get seriously fugged last week wearing the most hideous pantsuit? See, that site makes me feel good about myself. If people that beautiful with all that money can screw up an outfit so badly, I figure I'm not doing too badly.
Time to stop hijacking someone else's blog.
ok, are we all spending way too much time on this or what?? I mean, it is a fun trainwreck.. I feel bad because it is possible that these 2 little boys will grow up with out their mother, and as Karen has pointed out a few (4) times, it is sad. But that is the mother in me.. Otherwise it is fun to watch her fall.. After leaving Justin.. who is a much more fun celeb to watch... and I was thinking about that too.. What about all these other celebs out there who aren't out every night partying until all hours..
And for that matter.. You know K-Fed has never been photographed with the kids?? So maybe he is a better parent.. Or at least him geting the kids keeps the $$ coming from Brit... maybe it is a ploy to get more out of her...
just another thought...
OH and Karen.. I agree.. it's sad...
OH, one more thing... has this topic gotten more posts than any other???
that's SAD
When I logged in and saw 11 - ELEVEN - comments on this topic, the irony of it all did not escape my notice.
None of us like it but all of us have plenty to say about it.
I don't think I have ever written a post which got 11 comments before. Even if you take out the 2 that are mine, 9 is still a record.
I think that because the media is shoving her down our throats, that we have some sort of interest. SAD(your word) but true.. I mean who else makes the evening news because she shaved her head?? And now she is back in rehab?? Whatever.. at least I heard that she gets visits with the kids. Supervised, but visits.
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