On the radio yesterday the Satellite Sisters were talking about a ninth-grade teacher who assignes homework to his students' parents - and the parents' completion of said homework affects their child's grade. I found the article in the NYTimes, Spreading Homework Out So Even the Parents Have Some, and just read it though. While the intent is good, i.e., to get parents more involved in their child's school work, I really cringe at the thought of telling parents they have to do homework or their kids will suffer the consequences. I resent a teacher assigning parents another task in their busy lives. What surprised me most, though, was how few parents complain. On the other hand, I remember worrying about making a fuss for fear that I would provoke a negative response taken out on my children, however subtly or unintentionally.
How would you respond if you were told as a parent that you had to do an assignment to give your child a chance at an "A"?
5 days ago
I haven't read the article yet but I say NO to homework for parents. But then I say NO to most homework for kids too so I don't know how much my opinion counts.
NO HOMEWORK FOR PARENTS. Sounds like a lame attempt to coerce parents into doing more. I love ISM here because the emphasis on students directing much of their learning means that things are organized so that parents are not having to do everything with their kids. And, wonder of wonders, they are still learning! I agree with Calandria, I'm not a big fan of homework in general as I think it's misused too often. But having parents do things that affect their children's grades...no way.
Calandria, I'd be interested in a post on how Georgie (and you) are managing the homework issue now that she's in a more traditional school setting!
I wonder if this is a way to get parents involved, but as a parent who has a kid in public school, let me tell you there is plenty of homework that the parents do. Not to mention all the "I forgot to bring x y or z". Heck just the paper work is enough homework for any parent.. Maybe this is their way of getting parents to volunteer in the school.. since we all know that it is a small group that does everything...
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