Every once in a while I read Scott Adams' blog (he's the creator of Dilbert.) Sometimes his entries are really, really funny and sometimes they are pretty bizarre. Today the entry is somewhat thought-provoking. Today's topic is "mild superpowers." He says this:
A mild super power would be, for example, the ability to regenerate extra toilet paper on a roll that is almost out, or the ability to know exactly how long to microwave leftovers, or the ability to scratch the middle of your own back. Those are just examples.
He says his mild superpowers include the ability to make people nicer (by way of them recognizing his name and being excited to meet him) and that he never forgets a joke.
So of course I am now thinking about what my own mild superpowers are. The first one that comes to mind is that once I type someone's name and address, it's pretty much permanently in my memory. I can 'wow' people at PHF events when I meet them for the first time and can tell them accurately what their spouse's name is and where they live ... all because I used to be the one responsible for entering everyone's data in our mailing list, and writing all the thank you letters.
Another mild one I have is that I can juggle (metaphorically, not literally) many, many things at once - though I have to admit this one is weakening as I age.
Another one which can be annoying both to me and to others around me is that I can spot a typo at 90 yards ... (which, unfortunately, doesn't prevent me from making them now and again!)
One that I really, really wish I had is the abilty to enter a clothing store and know immediately which clothes would make me look tall and slender, or at least make my skin tone look terrific.
I love the idea of looking at my skills and talents as "mild superpowers." Makes me feel powerful! I may not be Wonder Woman, but perhaps I am wonder woman.
5 days ago
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