After breaking my glasses on my first day of Tae Kwon Do, I went to get new ones and they had a two-for-one sale going on. I got one pair which is very similar to my old ones, and then I got these - a bit more mod, more fun, more different - for me, anyway! I'm pretty cautious when it comes to eyewear, so this is about as wild as it's gonna get. I like 'em!
Tae Kwon Do is going oh-so-much better now. I have had 5 classes ... (or is it just 4?) but I am finally starting to remember which foot is my left foot and which is right, how to count higher than 1, and how to put both directional instructions and numerical sequences together (though I am only able to do "Left-right-left" and count up to 3. Anything beyond that and I am still as confused as ever.) But at our last class we finally got to do some kicks. Ty has been asking, after each class I attend, if I got to do any kicks yet. Finally I could say yes! And what fun they were, too! Front kicks, side kicks, turning side kicks, back kicks, and roundhouse kicks. Amazingly enough I kick better than I do most anything else in this sport. I can't wait to try breaking a board!
I like 'em! And either they make you look much skinnier or you are much skinnier from Tae Kwon Do, but you look great!
Carla said exactly what i was thinking.
Trick photography :-) But thanks!
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