With Mama Ava in Beijing and Lucy in Malaga, Lonnie in Gjoevik and Kelly and Jil planning thier next trips to Disney (Kelly to World and Jil to cruise) ... well, let's just say I am feeling really sad that I have nothing in the works which involves an airplane.
Looking at Lonnie's photos makes my heart ache for Norway. It's a physical pull, heightened when I read her blog or look through her Facebook photo albums. Malaga and Beijing have the lure of being new and exotic to me (and I am going to Beijing, just haven't figured out exactly when yet ... so that does help some!) And then Disney... one year ago today I was starting to pack to take the boys on our first-ever cruise, with Disney, and the memories now are flooding back as I talk to Jil about their upcoming journey.
I think I'm going to Two Harbors next weekend, and then I do have a road trip up to Moorhead planned for November.
It's just not the same.
5 days ago
Nope, nothing compares to that Disney cruise! LOVED it so much.. and that was when Hannah was in 2nd grade.. OMG.. how time flies...
At least you have plans for somewhere... not us...
*sigh* I'D take a Disney cruise any day and I don't care WHAT that says about me.
Your time for traveling again is coming. How many years until Ty is graduated? :-)
I'm staying here with you. We could have fun making up stories about where we SHOULD be.
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