Well, the dog has allergies, and possibly hypothyroidism. Which transfers into $225 of exams and medicine. But they threw in a free nail-clipping, so I'm not complaining!
The new, ugly, open sore on his head? An allergy burn. The doc said they come up very suddenly and are pretty nasty. In examining Chaco, she found another spot which she said to watch, as it looks like it's about to erupt.
The thinning fur and lack of appetite are probably related to his thyroid function, so blood was drawn and more medicine may be in our future.
Right now, he will be on a three-week regimen of cortisone to help the allergies (someone just was telling me this fall has been nasty for dog allergies ... was it one of you??) and hopefully the itching and burns will disappear. But, she warned me, he may have an increased need to drink and urinate ... hopefully not in the middle of the night, but it's possible. Oh, and we have ear drops to help the itching in them. Because he has scratched them pretty raw, too.
And just for kicks, she noticed he has a dead tooth. So a tooth cleaning and extraction are in our future, the estimate on that is a mere $670. That does not include pain meds for the days after the surgery. But it does include use of the Bair Hugger, the inventor of which I know personally. But that can't be done til the cortisone treatment is done and out of his system, so we are looking at just in time for Christmas.
But everything is treatable and he's gonna be fine. And I guess, at least for now, that is priceless. For everything else, I used my Master Card.
5 days ago
So, you know what? You'll never think of the cost again. I swear. I know it's awful...but you'll be so glad to have your buddy --that's all that will matter. I promise you.
I am glad that he is ok.. it is so sad when your 4 legged family members get ill...
Ouch. That's a lot of money...and love. Glad that he's doing better!
How old is the pup? I know how the tooth thing goes...Imagine how terrible I felt when one of ours had a loose canine, and the DENTAL ASSISTANT hadn't even noticed...I could have cried....
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