Today I found a house to make an offer on. It's got some fixer-upper needs, but it is airy (in the metaphysical sense, not actual-feel-the-wind-blowing-through-the-rooms-airy) and feels open and spacious, it's not a cookie-cutter suburban rambler, it's got a nice fenced-in yard, it's got the right number and layout of rooms (well, there is no formal dining room but I can live without that.) It's been on the market nearly 7 months, and is not a foreclosure so my offer will go to a live, breathing HUMAN who will respond right away! Woo-Hoo! I am making a very low-ball offer just to see what they say.
We still have heard nothing on the first house, and I doubt we will. That one would still be my first choice, but it just doesn't appear that anything will happen with it for a long time.

The thing I like about this new house is that it has personality and character. It kind of has a "grandma's house" feel to it, which to me, means that when you walk in you imagine you smell freshly-baked cookies, and you feel a sense of comfort, and you know that you are cozy and safe there. I am totally imagining the second floor as total "boy land" - it's basically one huge open space - with cool IKEA furnishings to make it almost like a college dorm atmosphere, sleeping and studying and playing all in one. On the main floor there are two bedrooms, one would be mine and the other would be an office. There is a fireplace in the living room (and another in the basement) and the kitchen is spacious but does need updating - I think the cupboards are original from 1954.
The exterior could really use the "
Curb Appeal" team to come work on it ... maybe I should apply to be on the show if I get it ... but there is nothing that has to be done immediately. Well, I think - it's hard to tell with the snow and ice - that there is no driveway, just a dirt & gravel pathway, so I may choose to put that in right away.
So think good thoughts and I will keep you updated as anything happens!
it's cute.. need more info... and you letting us know when you get it!!! I will keep my fingers crossed!!!
Oh, I've got my fingers crossed for you!
I like how you describe the house. Good luck!
Thinking positive thoughts for you! Good luck neighbor to the south!
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