Oh boy, I was planning on coming to my blog to complain and express discouragement about life in general and throw myself on your mercy, hoping to get some reassurance and pep talks and "you can do it!"s.
But then, before I started writing, I glanced at Cake Wrecks, because it almost always can bring a smile to my face, which, as you are all probably aware, is the first step towards improving your outlook on life (that whole "fake it til you make it" thing.) And this is what I found:

That's not a box of candy, folks, that's a CAKE! How COOL IS THAT?
So I had to follow the link to the baker's site, where she oh-so-generously provides the recipe and instructions on how to make this masterpiece.

And you know what? Suddenly the whole get-the-townhouse-ready-to-sell and find-a-new-house-to-buy-because-it-is-looking-like-my-offer-is-going-to-be-ignored-FOREVER thing seems more manageable.
It's all the power of chocolate. Apparently you don't have to even have it in hand to eat for it to work its magic.
It's a fantastic cake. And if I tried to make it, I would be the featured guest on Cake Wrecks instantly!
And stop stealing my blog titles. Did you think I wouldn't notice?
Yeah, what Mama Ava said--only not about stealing my blog titles. But the cake. WOW. In fact, I'd like to skip the cake and just eat a box of chocolate.
You asked about my Scout picture but it's not really Scout. I bought it at Home Goods --I was buying some other really stuff guest room art and then I saw that one and bought it for fun. I think if it were Scout, he wouldn't look so...well...intelligent. Sigh.
OH I think with about 25 -30 hours I could maybe make this cake.. I mean really how hard can it be? They gave the step by step directions.. I might try the cake balls though.. I have a great Red Velvet cake recipe.. In fact I made it last year for Hannah's B'day. Maybe Karen you and I should get together and make them.. Now I am thinking that we would need a box of chocolates or two for inspiration.. and maybe we would have to eat those boxes too.. just for research you know...
I luv red velvet cake, so these look like some awesome hip candy to me! Let me know how your cake turns out cuz I know you'll have to blog about it and share, right? Send a piece to AZ!
Peace and Luv,
This looks absolutely incredible! I am still mastering getting my cake out of the pan without it breaking, but I can dream. :)
"How hard could it be"? "They gave step by step directions"?
Do you know how much C-R-A-P I have created in my life by naively assuming that step by step directions could overcome a blatent lack of talent?
They can't fool me with that line anymore. Nosiree.
That cake is amazing. But I'm afraid I would be disappointed to take a bite and discover cake when my mouth was set for truffles. :)
Sorry about the ignored offer and annoyance of getting the townhouse ready. Things will get better! Maybe a much better house is just about to come on the market for you. When God closes one door, He opens another. Never fails.
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