On Sunday I was lucky enough to be the guest of a friend to A Christmas Carol at the Guthrie. I last saw this play when I was in high school ... no need to do the math, suffice to say it was a while ago! We were in the very front row, in the very center. Amazing seats.
I was surprised how much I loved this show! I have not been tempted to see it, although the Guthrie does it every year, though I am not sure why. I really don't remember seeing it before, just that I did - and I suspect that my lack of desire to see it again must stem from something I didn't enjoy that time. But being offered the free ticket was something I could not turn down, and I am so glad I went. Being so close was also something which was surprisingly pleasing. I always thought the very front row was too close.
But it added something to the performance, being able to actually make eye contact with some of the actors - the friend I was with is the friend who was in the last show at the Guthrie, so she knew many of the actors, and they actually acknowledged her - one even by name! - during the play. It was way cool. It really felt like I was on stage with them - only a few inches prevented me from being so - which gave a depth to the play that I don't think is possible from farther away. Of course, it was harder to get an overview, and once or twice a character was standing directly in front of us so we had semi-blocked views of the stage, but all in all it was a magical performance heightened by the position of our seats.

Now I am totally getting into the holiday spirit, eager to work on cards and cookies and decorating!
I love Christmas Carol. It was a long time after I had seen stage and TV productions that I actually read the story...and loved it, I think, even more. I took Cameron to the last CC production at the old Guthrie and we both loved it.
I have never thought of going.. I wonder why now too...
AND.. I so want to see those cookies and cards...
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