Tomorrow is Ben's birthday .... still have no idea what to give him ... Help?
Friday Shawn & I went to see Twilight, and though the make-up artists' skills were questionable, I did enjoy it. Seriously, these people .. well vampires ... are supposed to be pale, but they (on occasion, as the makeup was not consistent throughout every scene) looked more like they were going for a Geisha Girl effect, but failing miserably, and then thinking, well, perhaps a little MORE white will help the situation. But, like I said, not in every scene. Sometimes they looked just fine.

And Edward. First a wizard, now a vampire. What a fun career Robert Pattison is having! I know Shawn had difficulty with him being cast as Edward, but I was OK with it (except the scenes with too much white face.) I thought he played anguished and tormented very well!
I think it will please the fans, and, really, isn't that why they did it?
OH, Hannah and Pat were both fine with the movie, having never read the books.. so there you go on that point.. and I agree.. Alice was the best family cast.. I still don't buy Robert Patterson as Edward.. I did like Jacob though.. and I am still having a hard time with the school diversity...
Sorry, but the movie does sound kind of lame. I have not read the books yet, but I thought Patterson would make a good vampire from what I've heard. Painting them white, though? You don't need to be pasty white in such an obvious (sounding) way. Haven't the writers seen "The Lost Boys?" THAT was a great vampire movie--not a pasty one in the bunch.
Heh, I love how none of us can spell his name right ...
Hey, I copied from Shawn.
There just are no beautiful young men actors right now who can compete with Hugh Jackman and Johnny Depp. I know that Edward is supposed to look 18 but he needs to be greek godlike or something.
OK.. it's Robert Pattinson... so sue me... I mean what kind of name is Pattinson???
AND.. he looked like he was sweating... not sparkling.. AND I still liked the movie better the 2nd time...
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