I am feeling prolific today so thought since I am here anyway, I would post one more announcement. After a TON of thinking, worrying, research, comparing, talking, pondering, even dreaming - we have enrolled B & T back in traditional school for next year. phew! (wipe that brow.)
Actually they will both be in Dimensions Academy, a school-within-a-school program, so I guess we aren't going totally back to traditional schooling.
I'm not worried about them at all academically, but it will be a challenge to have to do all their work sitting at a desk or table, instead of lying in bed or lounging in an overstuffed armchair. And it will be difficult to be "in school" all day long without taking breaks to walk the dogs, or to go out for lunch, or to play a game of cards just because. And then there is not being able to debate every point with the teacher ... !!! Yeah, they are in for some adjustments.
And me! What am *I* going to do all day long? I admit to being a little freaked out, but also a little excited - perhaps I really will start writing the next great mystery novel!
1 week ago
I am sure that Ty and Ben will enjoy being back at "school". I am sure that you all talked long and hard about it. Will be strange, I am sure. But gee.. does that mean that I get to do stuff with you within the school again?? (ok, my selfishness there!!!)
I know what a hard decision that is! I'm sure they'll do really well. We knew a couple families through church whose children went to Dimensions. One moved away but one girl Ben's age is still there. They are very happy with it.
At first I was totally envious that you have this freedom. Then I realized I just went through that this year with Ava in school. And it was harder than I thought--and not just because I'm in Africa.
At least you're far more self-disciplined than I am! I'm glad I'm heading back to a job where external discipline is imposed on me!
The nice thing about Cameron going back was how pleasantly surprised I was at how he had grown up. I didn't see it when I was browbeating or cajoling him through some of his lessons at the kitchen table...but when he stepped into the classroom he was ready to roll. And his teachers were savvy and kind enough to not mention every blip in the road along the way those first few months (although some of that was cultural adjustment, too).
I think they'll do great! And so will you!
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