1. Choco is going to be fine. The cysts are just ugly but not harmful. Phew.
2. My great-aunt is being discharged from the hospital tomorrow and will go into hospice, and everyone is quite calm and content. My parents are there, and it sounds like all is going smoothly.
3. The boys have been working like demons and we are SO close to being done with school!!!
4. I still LOVE my hair.
5. It's almost a holiday weekend and I just got an email about a yarn sale ...
6. Our Wii should be here in a day or two, but unfortunately my fears about Wii Fit are coming true ... it's currently impossible to get anywhere. So ... we'll see.
7. I just borrowed season 1 of LOST, so will have something to watch while I knit this weekend, perhaps?
8. Kristi Yamaguchi won Dancing with the Stars! Yay!!!
Happy Thursday, everybody!
5 days ago
Great news all around.. except for the Wii Fit.. but that will all resolve itself soon enough..
Happy weekend to you!
Hey, good Karma on you. You have clearly sucked it all out of Tanzania, where we are still feebly dying, whilst infecting everyone around us...
I'm missing Season 1 of Lost--you didn't take mine, did you?
...whilst ...
makes me giggle.
Oops, sorry. That slips out sometimes in conversation, but never in writing.
I just read Cameron's murder mystery he had to write for English class...nicely sprinkled with "favourite" and "colour" and "theatre."
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