On my favorite radio station this morning they interviewed a researcher who studies eating habits. Recently they measured how much people ate when watching an engaging TV show vs watching nothing or a non-engaging show. Turns out you eat 40% more when you are watching an engaging show! This pattern also appeared when they measured how much was eaten when dining with people vs alone.
Seems when you are interested in a TV show or engaged in conversation you tend to eat more because you aren't as aware of what is going in your mouth, or when you are starting to feel full.
So their recommendation was (if you are trying to lose weight) don't watch TV and only sit with boring people when you are eating.
5 days ago
oooohhh so there is my problem.. I don't eat with boring people.. maybe that is why all those celebs are so skinny..
oooh, or what if it's because I'M boring AND I'm watching TV.
Rats, somewhere along the line I'm messing this up.
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