Well, I have been visiting the library again after gorging myself on HP7. This week I read three very different books (well, one I'm not done with yet, so I guess technically using the past tense is not accurate. Forgive me?)
The Ever Running Man is the latest in the series by

Marcia Muller about P.I. Sharon McCone, who lives in California, and whose life is getting increasingly more bizarre (guess Ms. Muller is running out of 'normal' ideas.) There are unknown relatives popping up, and now in this book there are rumors her husband was an arms dealer in the middle east. As usual, Sharon figures everything out and it all ends pretty much OK. I do like the McCone series, and have been reading it for years, so it's like a visit to old friends when a new book comes out.
Last night I read
Bringing Down the House 
in one sitting - it's a fascinating true story of a group of MIT students who develop a system to beat the blackjack tables in Vegas. First off, the minds of these kids are astounding - the way they are able to count cards - when the dealer uses 6 decks - and keep it all straight. Secondly, the creativity they showed in their systems and characters was incredibly entertaining. Third, although they take great pains to explain - several times - that card counting is not illegal in Vegas and that they broke not a single law, you know the gambling world is going to discover what they are doing and take action to prevent it - so there's no small amount of fearful anticipation as you read.
Finally, I am reading
Leap! What Will We Do With The Rest Of Our Lives?

This is the one I'm not done with yet, and while it doesn't look like it will have any great answers to any great questions, it's always interesting to read about women who redefine their lives midway through, and to learn from their examples, thoughts, and ideas.
Also on my book shelf to read in coming weeks are several guidebooks to Chicago, as the boys & I are heading down there in August to do the touristy stuff, and several books on Minnesota history as we are joining a homeschool co-op this fall that is going to spend the first 3 months of the school year focused on our lovely state.
You mentioned HP.. so does that mean that Carla has read it? and???
Naah, she hasn't gotten it yet, but she & I have IM'ed enough that she is OK with me mentioning the book as long as I **GASP** don't give anything away!
you wouldn't do that now would you?? I mean ***GASP*** it's HARRY.. ANY true Harry fan would never give anything away!!!
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