Monday, July 30, 2007
Pre-School Jitters
It's almost August and today, as I lazed around, having difficulty motivating myself to be productive, I started thinking about September and how much of a struggle it's going to be to develop a school routine again for me and the boys. We are so enjoying getting up whenever we want to, going to sleep whenever we want to, eating whenever we want to ... and yes, some might say that with homeschooling we can continue that life of leisure, but it's not quite the same when there are lessons to do and co-op gatherings to attend.
But before I get too far down this road, thankfully Scarlett saves me and I'm off to have another bon-bon ...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Ever Running Man is the latest in the series by

Last night I read Bringing Down the House

Finally, I am reading Leap! What Will We Do With The Rest Of Our Lives?

Also on my book shelf to read in coming weeks are several guidebooks to Chicago, as the boys & I are heading down there in August to do the touristy stuff, and several books on Minnesota history as we are joining a homeschool co-op this fall that is going to spend the first 3 months of the school year focused on our lovely state.
Monday, July 23, 2007
This just in: Dine with Boring People!
Seems when you are interested in a TV show or engaged in conversation you tend to eat more because you aren't as aware of what is going in your mouth, or when you are starting to feel full.
So their recommendation was (if you are trying to lose weight) don't watch TV and only sit with boring people when you are eating.
New Author

All of her books take place on Nantucket Island, and all deal with "summer people" who vacation there. Often there is a character named Alcott (so I assume that's a favorite author!) and nearly every book has someone making a significant change in their life - deciding which way to go at a crossroad or deciding to trust their dreams.

Nothing heavy or truly thought-provoking, but nice to read.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
A Windmill in Malawi
That is changed now, after he was invited to a conference in Arusha earlier this year, and he now has a blog. You can read the whole story here (start at the bottom for the best overview of the story.)
Someone in the media referred to this young man as part of the "cheetah generation" a new generation of Africans who are not sitting around waiting for the government or other organizations to do things for them, but are instead figuring out how to do things for themselves and their families and villages. The term Cheetah generation was coined by Ghanaian George Ayittey, in his book Africa Unchained. I just reserved it from the library - looks very interesting.
This is what PHF is trying to do - identify cheetahs, and then help them run.
#8 on my list

Many Point
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Legally Blonde

Just watched Legally Blonde on TV. And I am in the best mood now! Is it shallow to be so thoroughly entertained by this movie? To admire Reese Witherspoon's character, Elle Woods, because she is kind, generous, optimistic, true to herself, and just plain nice?
Naah! I like the message, even if the show is a bit hokey. Believe in others, believe in yourself, and you can tackle whatever you put your mind to.
Yeah, I am inspired by a chick-flick. Not a bad way to go through life.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Aquatennial Fun

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Top Ten
7. My adorable dogs. I have appreciated them so much since returning home. They follow me around and gaze adoringly at me at all times of the day. What’s not to love?
6. Apple-Cranberry Juice. Actually I mix my own to get the perfect, refreshing-est combination (approximately 2/3 AJ and 1/3 CJ, with a lot of ice and a splash of cold water.)
5. Oscillating fans. It’s really hot and sticky here and even with the AC on, there is nothing as relaxing and hearing and feeling the fleeting breeze as the fan goes by one direction ..... and then the other.
4. Hearty petunias. I really don’t even care for petunias that much, as flowers go, but have some in some pots on my deck. While I was gone, no one watered anything at my house, and it was really hot ... but the petunias survived. Now I admire them.
3. Pretty toe nails. I got a pedicure yesterday and just gazing down at my “Who do Voodoo” colored toes makes me smile.
2. Quilted toilet paper. After being sick all week ... ‘nuff said.
1. Harry Potter Anticipation! It’s filling my empty hours and minutes this week ... I cannot wait!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Mama Safari
safari , pl safari { English: trip , pl trips; journey; expedition } [derived: Arabic]
While in Tanzania, one of our drivers started calling me Mama Safari, and the name stuck. I kind of like it. Mama is not a direct translation for mother in Swahili, it is actually simply a polite way to address a woman, and safari means journey or travel ... so I take it as a name meaning something along the lines of "Woman on a Journey" or "Woman who Travels" .. either of which is nice, and appropriate for me at this stage in my life. (note I am deliberatly ignoring that part about it being used by younger men and women to an older woman ....)
My AFS year was truly a turning point in my life. I spent it in what was then Yugoslavia - I was there a few years before the country split apart into several smaller nations. I never put a lot of thought into applying; my family had hosted several international students and it was just assumed that I would be one, too. It was rather competitive back then - around 15 students from my school applied for the 3 spots we were allotted, and then we had to go through regional interviews to be selected to represent Minnesota - but I always knew I would be going.
When I was there, I felt this incredible freedom to be anyone - I was so far away from anyone who knew anything about me, and this was back in the days before email or cheap phone calls. I talked to my parents only about 3 times, my best friend twice (once on my birthday, once on hers), and otherwise waited 2 weeks for letters to make it across the ocean. It's not that I was radically different from the person I had been in high school, it was that I could have been.
For a long time after I returned from living abroad, I volunteered with AFS. AFS people have such a special way of looking at the world - it becomes more about relationships than borders, and there is always the shared love of travel and adventure. I have been apart from the AFS world for many years now, but am thinking that perhaps I need to reconnect.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Back among the living
I am still very weak but definitely on the rebound now. I did hear from one person that she got really sick after a trip to Africa once and it took 9 months to get totally back to normal. Hopefully I'm not signed up for that plan.
Now I have to go take a nap as this is about as much exertion as I can handle at one time, but it's an improvement!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Cell phones at the airport
But - when I got my luggage and cleared customs, I went to the area where arriving passengers are met, and I was so saddened by the sight of people talking on their cell phones and NOT jumping up and hugging whoever it was they were meeting. It happened often enough that I really noticed - and it made me really sad.
I used to get tears in my eyes nearly every time I went to the airport - for whatever reason. I would watch the anticipation on faces, see the joy burst through when initial eye-contact was made, and then see the love presented with hugs and smiles and kisses. It was very reassuring to me, seeing all that love everywhere I looked. Seeing all that joy brought tears to my eyes as I imagined how wonderful the reunited friends and family members felt.
Yesterday I saw a lot of busy people. Many, once they hung up the phones, had hugs to share, but it was really different. People were not solely focused on closing the distance between themselves and their loved ones. People were still caught up in the outside world, and the outside world was winning in the competition for attention.
Obviously some of those people had significant and important reasons to be on the phone. But I didn't cry at the airport yesterday, and that made me want to cry.
3:20 AM
Now to try for more sleep.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Africa Photos
Dorothy was right
The first leg of the trip the entire plane was entertained (?) by a screaming toddler. The first two hours I felt so bad for this poor child. The second two hours I felt so bad for the screaming child's parents, who surely knew that they were absolutely the least popular passengers on the plane. The third two hours I was amazed at this child's stamina. Why hadn't she fallen asleep mid-scream yet? And the seventh hour (yes, she kept it up for 7 hours) I just wanted to get up and strangle her.
Thankfully we landed and they did NOT continue on to Minneapolis with me. I seriously had already made plans to switch flights if I saw them in my line.
I am tired but it feels really good to be home. It feels odd not to be talking to Carla face-to-face, but the dogs are never more than a foot away from me, and the boys keep giving me hugs, and there really is no place like home.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Thank you all!!!
I went on a 3 day safari with the teacher group and it was amazing - saw so many different animals, and loved seeing the different African landscapes of 3 different national parks. Two of the teachers are avid bird watchers and they got the rest of us in the Land Rover really in to looking for and identifying birds. I can't wait to get all the pictures - mine, and the others' (we are all trading pictures) to be reminded of all the beauty.
Tonight Carla & I went to a movie - we saw "Fracture" with Anthony Hopkins. It was great until the very end when I feel they took a bit of a cop-out to tie up all the loose ends. But when we were watching the credits, we noted "Russian Man" and "Russian Woman" and neither of us have any memory of anyone Russian at all in the entire movie and for some reason that struck us as so funny that we giggled all the way home. We are pretty sure not many people walk out of that movie giggling. It made it feel like we were just out on a regular Friday night at the Eden Prairie or Southdale movie theater. Really, really fun. I will miss this woman (again) when I leave.
I get back to town on Monday - will contact you all then!