Well, today I spent about 2 hours in a dentist's chair, getting a root canal. I don't hate or fear the dentist for the work that has to be done, but I have a really, really small mouth and my jaw aches for days after any type of work, just from having to be pried open. I have learned to just tell the dentist right away he or she will have to use pediatric-sized "stuff" (that's the technical term) in my mouth, after many years of having them start with big "stuff" and having to send someone to get smaller versions half-way through.
There are two technological break-throughs that I want to sing praises of today.
First, the bite block. A hunk of rubber they stick between your teeth on the side opposite of where they will work, to hold your mouth open so you can relax your jaw muscles.
This is truly an invention straight from the heavens. It's the only way I can make it through any type of dental work. I don't know if people with normal-sized mouths depend on these things as much as I do, but I see this piece of plastic as a sign directly from God that my pain is understood.
Secondly, nitrous oxide. Gotta love that stuff. I had never used it prior to getting a bridge a few years back. I have a high tolerance for pain, and actually even the achy jaw I mentioned earlier was manageable - even in the pre-bite-blocker days - but my gag reflex is sensitive and I stress about choking on saliva. With the nitrous on, I don't stress out, and I realize that I am not stressing out, and it is mildly amusing to lie there thinking "I am not stressing out and look at that, I realize that I am not stressing out, and I wonder if this pleasureable feeling of realizing I am not stressing out is what people who start using drugs are seeking, because it really makes me aware that I am not stressing out." (did I mention that I wasn't stressed?) I actually nearly fell asleep.
Oh, and that reminded me of the third invention I adore. I have no idea what it's called (Shawn, help me out here!) but it's this rubber stretchy piece they cover my mouth with except for a little hole over the tooth being worked on. They say it's to keep my tongue from interfering with their work. Fair enough.
I appreciate it because it keeps the little filings they dig out or file off from falling into my throat and mixing with my saliva and choking me. To death, maybe even. Except of course when I have that glorious nitrous in the cute little pink nose hat. (see above.)
So. I have successfully made it through my first root canal. I saw the x-rays afterwards of the newly-filled roots and my dentist did a really good job, as far as I could tell. He did tell me my abcess is H-U-G-E and I may end up hospitalized, needing IV antibiotics, if the infection flares up. But I figure he has to say that just in case.
4 days ago
I have a small mouth too, so I know exactly what you're talking about.
I tried the nitrous oxide once about ten years ago. It made me laugh uncontrollably. My dentist really got a kick out of it. Boy, did I feel like an idiot! Finally, I managed to ask him to please turn it off. He did, reluctantly.
OK, it is a Rubber Dam... that little piece of rubber that they put over your mouth.. and TONS of people HATE it..
The nitrous oxide.. to tell you the truth... we like using it too.. ok sometimes.. it sort of gets in the way.. but hey, if the patient feels great.. who cares..
The bite block is a god send.. it is great to use when people just don't open big enough, or they get tired from holding the mouth open for so long..
And as far as going to the hospital with the infection.. in 20+ years, I have NEVER EVER heard of that... but hey, if it gets the point home.. more power to you...
Glad to know that all went well.. Let's hope that is only one that you will ever need...
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