Well, I decided it was time for a change. I never was totally satisified with the way the blog has looked recently, so took a little time today to re-do it.
I was seeking a new title when I found the quote I use above. I have, since I was a little girl, believed I would have been one terrific frontier pioneer woman. The life described in the Little House books, in My Antonia, in the Giants in the Earth series - all call to my soul and I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would have thrived in that time.
So now, I find myself embarking on a new professional life, self-employed and solely in charge of where I go and what I do, and finding this quote which compares my new life with early American pioneering -- well, is it any wonder I had to select it here?
Finally, I am a pioneer.
Feels darn good!
5 days ago
Well, it's a BIG change. I went to the site 2-3 times and couldn't figure out why I was being taken to "this" blog. Then I got around to actually reading it and realized it was still you!
Guess the pic of Ahnold threw me a bit, too. Never guessed he'd be on your blog!
OK, you truly made me laugh out loud - I can just imagine you clicking on my link and saying "Huh?"
Yes, it's still me!!!
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