I was afraid this would happen once we started eating off a table he can reach so easily. He has never done this before and I had hoped he wouldn't start ... but now we have to be more careful about what we leave sitting around.
Then, today, I asked Ty to take Colby for a walk. I went downstairs to work, and after a couple of minutes Colby came down with a very clear message on his face. "MOM! He didn't do what he was supposed to do!!!"
I followed him upstairs, to his delight, and sure enough, Ty had not followed through on the task.
Colby pranced around as if saying "na-na-na-na-NA-na! You're in trouble!" just like a kid would say to his brother. It was too funny! And Ty did take him out.
That is funny. Dogs can be really hilarious. They don't need to talk--you always know what they're thinking.
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