I didn't watch the finale on Thursday when it aired, figuring I had lost interest in the show long enough ago that I wouldn't get that much out of it, anyway. But then I noticed NBC was replaying it tonight, and since I was sitting here at home anyway, I decided to watch.

They did a wonderful thing with the plot, too. Those of you who watch will know, those of you who don't watch - it would take too long to explain, but I just absolutely loved having Rachel there to bring things full circle. I loved it.
So, when the show was ending, my tears started welling up, and by the time that familiar theme song started playing, they spilled over, down my cheeks, and I was so happy that I had watched this final episode. It was a good way to end a good show.
I watched part of it.. but I haven't watched it in about 10-11 years either.. so I didn't know what all was going on.. but I noticed the nurces too...
AND.. I remember crying over MASH.. in fact I still get teary eyed when I watch the final MASH.. Sort of like loosing an old friend..
I didn't watch it becuz I hadn't watched it in years, but now I kinda wish I had in a way.
I'm guessing Rachel joined the staff or started on her medical career there anyway...I watched the first half and then fell asleep. I just never got into it as much after George left, etc...
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