I have no books to review for you. Well, I did read the latest Spenser novel, which Carla abhors, but it's fluff and not worth really writing about. Entertaining quick read but no substance at all.
I have not picked up my knitting needles in weeks. I have a 2/3-finished baby sweater and the baby it is for was born 3 weeks ago ... but it's big (the sweater, not the child), so I still have time.
I have no creative projects going of any type, no home decorating efforts underway, no work projects that have been interesting or are completed.
I *do* however have a made bed every single day (which for me is BIG news), I *do* have 3 clean bathrooms, I *do* have empty kitchen counters. As Ty said, this does NOT look like our house.
It better not be our house much longer. I don't know how much longer I can not do stuff.
5 days ago
Hey Karen! Maybe Shawn can get you into cardmaking?! What did you think of MILK? Wish we lived closer to each other, we could do a whole lot of nothing, or just drink coffee anyway, together!
Peace and Luv,
Jeannie Jeannie Jeannie... (meaning she use to be a SU demo)
I am so impressed that you have a clean house.. now if you are looking for something to do.. my house isn't that far away...
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