Just the shuffle, with the smallest memory. It will hold 240 songs and I was quite sure I don't even know that many.
Sure enough, I don't. First off, it took me way longer than I am willing to admit to figure out how to hook the thing up to my computer and get it so that it was ready to get things downloaded onto it. But e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y I figured it out (if you take out the half-hour I had to MOVE AWAY FROM THE IPOD to avoid screaming at it and smashing it with my fist, well, then it didn't take that long. I mean, probably not a world-record in slowness or anything) and then I got ready to load up all my favorite songs.
First off, three ABBA songs. After seeing Mamma Mia, no surprise there. Then there are a couple other songs I remembered from American Idol that I wanted. Then Footloose, as I cannot sit still to that song, and I want all these songs to be the kinds that make me smile and FEEL GOOD.
Then .... I was stuck.
I searched on a few band names I could think of (how pathetic is it that this was really, really tough for me??) and in the end, after over 90 minutes of trying to find music, I now have 11 - yes, ELEVEN - songs on my iPod.
Yeah, I'm a music guru alright.
You should have called Pat.. he helped Dawn with hers.. He did Hannah's a month or so ago... if you need songs.. let me know.. Pat has a ton on the computer.. I on the other hand.. do not have an IPOD yet.. but the powers that be are working on me..
and did you get purple???
I thought I would have to return it because it took me so long to figure out how to get it to work. (We're definitely not Apple people, and hubby refused to be a part of it). What to put on your IPod????????? What's in your car? What do you listen to or sing to when you are driving?? I have some Beatles, John Mellencamp, Billy Joel, Melissa Etheridge, Matchbox 20, and yes some Partridge Family (sing along and know the words!!) Anway, think about what you listen to and what makes you happy, besides ABBA!!, and you'll be surprised how quick the space fills!! :)
OK, Dawn, I liked you before but now ... I think I love you! I was thinking about looking for Partridge Family but was too embarassed even to do it in the privacy of my own home, much less to announce it to the world.
But hey, you have given me strength and I will be going down memory lane later today!
I am a complete music nerd--never bought tapes in high school because I would only like 1 song and not want the others, so iTunes is great in that respect. I have the 80GB one and at first I thought the same way...what songs would I want? But then you see a show, or hear a song on TV or remember and get that one song...and then you'll be surprised how quickly they add up!
I just copied (finally) my BBC reader's theatre versions of the Narnia books and the Fellowship of the Rings for me and the kids to listen to, so books you can get from the library, copy to your computer, upload, then discard, are great (you can't use the library system of "renting" books with a iPod, only with other MP3 players that are different brands).
And when you're really stuck, you can swallow your pride and head to the Apple store where young teenagers will help you with everything. Embarrassing but quicker than searching the Apple questions forum!
Mine has Barry Manilow, the Eagles, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Elvis, a Native American folk singer from MT, and Cam's Weird Al collection. David Cassidy's "I Think I Love You" would fit right in.
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