No rain for over 24 hours.
Yesterday was a bit more exciting than we as the troop would have liked. One of our first-years was hiking in boots that frankly, to this mother, looked a bit too big and a bit too loosely tied, and the inevitable happened - he tripped on a shoelace and ended up breaking his arm. He spent a couple of hours in an urgent care clinic in Detroit Lakes, and his Dad drove up last night so that they can head back today for the surgery needed to repair the break. But the young man refused to leave until after his merit badge session this morning so that he could finish up the requirements necessary to earn the badge!
HUGE teachable moment, though, as now all the leaders throughout the camp are going around looking at campers' shoes and saying "better tie those up ... yesterday a kid didn't and he BROKE HIS ARM."
I am really enjoying getting to know many of the adult leaders and many of the kids. (Of course there are also a few I am eager to depart from.) The food continues to be great and plentiful, and now that the weather is cooperating, all is well. Ben is finishing up his Environmental Science work, First Aid, and Photography - he will still have a couple of requirements to complete after we return home, but he is very close. Last night I went with one of the boys I didn't know well up to Archery -- he had to have a buddy in order to go, and everyone else wanted to do water-related activities. Turns out this guy will be in Ty's class at school this fall! So that was a fun coincidence.
Tonight is the closing campfire, and tomorrow morning we have breakfast and then break camp and head out. Ben & I are both looking forward to long, hot showers, and then sleeping as long as we want to! We have a bugler in our troop who is just 11 years old but is very, very good. I have actually really enjoyed hearing the Reveille every morning, and Taps at night. But. Sleeping a bit longer in the morning is going to feel sweet.
5 days ago
1 comment:
Thank god it wasn't Ben who broke his arm!! I hope the other kid will be ok.. And how fun to meet someone new, that most likely you will see again!
Can't wait to see all the pictures and hear, "the rest of the story"...
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