Monday, June 02, 2008

30 day check-up

It's been a month since my blood pressure scare began. Had a check-up this morning.

In the past month I have:
1. started taking hydrochlorothorazide daily
2. cut out all caffeine (well, except for a little chocolate here and there)
3. cut out all added salt
4. nearly cut out all alcohol (one beer in one month!)
5. increased exercise (OK, not by much, but a little!)
6. increased fruits & veggies on a daily basis
7. (for the high cholesterol) cut out eggs
8. (again for cholesterol) had oatmeal 27 out of the 30 days

And today my blood pressure was NORMAL.

Now I go back in 6 months to check it, and the cholesterol, again. And I am supposed to lose some weight, too.

Feeling pretty good right now!


shawn said...

yea for Karen!!! that is great!! with the new makeover.. sounds like things are going your way!!!

Mama Ava said...

Hooray for you! You are disciplined and it's working for you!

I would think with the changes that you made you'd lose weight already!

andalucy said...

Good for you! That is awesome!