Hey all .... OK, here I am in Africa. Across the ocean. Far, far away.
And I am feeling a bit homesick and YOU have the power to help me out ... if anyone is out there, reading my blog, PLEASE write me a short comment! Carla is commenting verbally, but the rest of you could write!
Thanks :-)
5 days ago
Hey, way over there! It's great to read about all the stuff that you're doing. Even though we all miss you, we know you're doing great work and having a fantastic time. Can't wait to get together when you get back and hear all the details! Miss you!
(I admit, I could fake this note from MN a lot better if my name didn't pop up when I hit publish. Still, what are friends for?)
But aren't I a good friend? Even though you're only a mile away right now and I'm seeing you daily, I STILL check out your blog!
But now you're probably disappointed because you saw you had 3 comments after you posted, but it was only me all the time.
Hey, I'm here! And I'm here almost every day.
{{{{{{{{cyber hugs}}}}}}}}
Hey there.. I am here too.. I have been checking your blog daily and the trip blog too.. sounded like you have been busy and all.. Hope all is well.. I know that Carla is loving having you there.. but we miss you here too... See you soon
Hello from northern Minnesota. We all miss you very much. Ty and Choco have been a joy to have with us. And last night Steve and Ben and Colby came for supper.
It has been great to be able to read your blog along with the comments from your teachers and Carla's input also. (Even if she is "faking" it from Minnesota!)
We are looking forward to seeing you, hugging you, and hearing all about your trip!
Love, Pa
Hi from Lakeville! It has been so wonderful to read about all you and the group are doing. Thank you for sharing your adventures! I hope you are feeling less homesick. Just know there are a lot of people who are thinking of you! Sending hugs,
Karin Stokes
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