I am about half-way through. This man is on fire. He is angry. He is outspoken. For most of his 82 years he was the kind of big-business person I would have disagreed with about most things, but now he is my new hero.
He is disgusted with the current administration of our nation and he is demanding change. He defines leadership and then shows how we have none with the current people in charge. He challenges every citizen to demand more, and to stop ignoring the president and his actions. He campaigned for and voted for Bush in 2000 but was a strong Kerry supporter in 2004. He admits that for 50 years in the automotive business he was "part of the problem" but he now plans to live to 100 to try and be "part of the solution."
No matter what your personal beliefs and loyalties are, you need to read this book. Honestly, even though it's all about politics, it's not political in the usual sense of the word. It's not about bashing one party or the other. It's about defining and demanding leadership from our leaders.
I will finish it tonight, I am sure. And then I will read it again. (Carla, I will bring it to you in June.) You should, too.
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