*Everybody* was wrong this year. We sweated, sweated, and sweated some more. We gushed our appreciation for car air conditioning ... more than once! We stayed at my parents' cabin - beautiful and comfortable.
But H. O. T.
Oh well. At least we didn't have to keep anyone else cool or occupied.

We also went to Flood Bay. My Mom says I should not mention it by name so it doesn't get too popular! It's my boys' favorite place and we stopped by mainly, I thought, so the other moms could check it out to make plans to come back with their own children. Well, much to my surprise, I think it was one of the highlights of the trip for everyone! There is just something magical (or mesmerizing) about sitting on the hot rocks looking for agates and good skipping stones.

Hi, Nat D .... who are you?
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