A couple of weeks ago, Steve & I went to a movie (Inside Man, I think - pretty good but required a bit of a stretch to accept some of the situational details). Anyway, before the movie started there was a trailer for the upcoming film "Flight 93" (at least I think that's what it's called.) It's about the flight that the passengers overtook on 9/11 and crashed in Pennsylvania.
Watching the trailer, I got tears in my eyes and all I could think of was "this is
SO wrong." It's too soon, I don't trust that it won't be sensationalized, I think it's insensitive to the families, I just don't like Hollywood taking something so recent and raw and turning it into a money-making endeavor.
Steve didn't agree, I think (but can't be sure), that he views it more as a way to share the story and bravery of those involved, and to honor the people who gave their lives for their country -- people who were not in the military or who maybe never, ever planned on doing anything heroic.
I tend to be cynical, though, and can't help but think that at the bottom of it all is the desire of some Hollywood mogul to make money on other people's grief. I also worry that seeing it as a movie so soon after it happened will make the event blur in people's minds to a certain extent. What's real and what's Hollywoodized? We obviously can't KNOW what happened on that plane, so now we will be treated to what the Hollywood types want us to think. And I don't want them thinking for me. I also worry that seeing it as a movie will desensitize people. Maybe in a way similar to what is happening with violence in video games. People can disconnect themselves from what is on the screen, and some things need to be real in people's lives - not just on the screen. I also recognize, though, that for some people, maybe seeing it as a movie is the only way they will ever think about it at all, or the only way to process it in their minds.
We saw the movie "Munich" last fall - a Hollywood version of the terrorist situation at the Munich Olympics. I was fine with that movie, and enjoyed it. I learned things I hadn't known about that situation, since I was pretty young when it actually happened. So does that make me a hypocrite? Or is the timing enough of a factor to make "Munich" OK while "Flight 93" is not?
I don't know if I will go see "Flight 93" or not. What do you think? Will you?